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Tag Archives: freedom plan

3 Reasons You MUST Build a Lifestyle Business

What exactly IS a lifestyle business? And, more importantly, why do you need one? 

The basic premise of a lifestyle business is that the entire purpose of the business is to enable the lifestyle of your choice. In other words, you decide what your ideal lifestyle looks like, then work backward to figure out what you need to do to get there. 

Contact MariskaSo, what are the three best reasons to build a lifestyle business?

Your job sucks.

It’s a well-known fact that most of us work to get by or because we feel like we have to be beholden to a job in order to have a steady income. Fortunately, we live in an era in which this bondage to our jobs is more of an illusion than ever. The barrier to entry for becoming an internet entrepreneur is lower than ever.

Making your own career and travel choices rocks.

Once your lifestyle biz is up and running, you’ll be astounded at the freedom you enjoy. You can literally work anywhere on earth with an internet connection. Most lifestyle business owners choose to work fewer hours (because LIFESTYLE is what it’s truly all about), dedicating their fully focused attention to running their business at predetermined times. I have friends who literally travel the globe — one country after the next — all while running a six-figure online business.

Creating money on demand is awesome.

With your own lifestyle business, you don’t have to wait for every other Friday for that elusive paycheck. YOU make the decisions on how to bring money in the door, and YOU are the beneficiary of your own hard, focused work.

Are you ready to build your own freedom plan?

Join my team and let me walk you step-by-step to generating your first online income to scaling and making SERIOUS money so you can finally ditch that J-O-B for good!